
Hints: how to upgrade customized Micron C400 SSDs to the latest generic firmware version

Important notes:
  1. DISCLAIMER: this guide is provided here only "just for fun" for experimental, research and educational purposes without any guarantees (or warranties, responsibilities, obligations, liabilities etc.; even no repeatability guaranteed, as this guide has been based solely on just one particular specimen device, sorry), so use it at your own risk (even more, the so-called "reverse engineering" can possibly be illegal in some areas);
  2. ATTENTION (DANGER): it can result in an irreversible destruction of ALL or ANY data stored on the target device (including the loss of important metadata like device usage statistics, but it's not wise to hope it will heal / recover / restore any worn-out memory blocks / chips or make the device good as new in performance) and, in theory, on some other storage devices -- please back up ALL the valuable data FIRST;
  3. CAUTION: it may even brick your device;
  4. WARNING: moreover, it may void the warranty, if any.
  5. Feel safe & free to enjoy! ;-)
Recently I've got a (somewhat previously slightly used) 128 GB SATA 3.0 (6 Gb/s) compatible 2.5" SSD from the Micron RealSSD C400 series (the label also says: "P/N:MTFDDAK128MAM-1J1", "Firmware Rev: 080C", "H/W: Rev 3"). At first glance, it looked like a generic equivalent of a more popular SSD brand, the Crucial m4 series.
What's interesting with it: what I've got here is really not a generic, but a Lenovo OEM-branded version, and it has a cut-down set of SMART features: only one SMART attribute ("Power cycle count") is available [4.1, 4.2], though still there's some useful info (power-on hours, total number of logical sectors read / written, uncorrectable errors etc.) in the SMART device statistics & SMART error log; fortunately, SMART self-tests are also available. Unfortunately, updating the firmware from the initial "040H" (probably updated by previous owners, see above) to the latest "070H" Lenovo OEM version [1.4] didn't improve the SMART functionality.

More notes:
  1. This SSD supports SATA revisions from 1.0 to 3.0 (1.5, 3 and 6 Gb/s respectively), but as for UDMA, it's max. UDMA/100.
  2. Most C400 configurations (including the described one, and generic ones too) have no thermal sensor, so SMART usually reports a zero (Celsius) temperature (look for the "C400 SSD SMART Attributes (pdf)" document, "tnfd20_c400_ssd_smart_attributes.pdf" file name [2.2]).
  3. Further debugging and internal SSD operation insights can be hypothetically provided by serial console interface (though currently I have no data on the actual pinout & schematics for the current SSD).
So what are the known differences of this sample, compared to the generic (Micron / Crucial*) versions?
  • Firmware (FW):
    • binary microcode image is slightly smaller than the generic one;
    • reduced SMART functionality.
  • Hardware (HW):
    • unknown.
Legend for a 4-symbol (left-to-right) Micron C400 SSD FW revision string (as described in the "c400_rev_070H_bootable_media_instructions.pdf" document from the Micron FW update package version "070H" [1.1]):
  1. "0" (reserved);
  2. minor revision;
  3. type of SSD application:
    1. "0" (standard 2.5" and 1.8" SSDs);
    2. "T" ("Trusted Drive", SED, as defined by TCG);
    3. "M" (mSATA SSD);
  4. major revision.
Usually, software version numbers look somewhat different (e. g., "1.23"); if you want to compare the FW revision numbers and feel more comfortable with usual version numbers, you can easily deduct the FW version from the revision string, e. g.: "0002" → "2.0", "070H" → "H.7" (obviously, when numbers run out, they begin to use big letters in alphabet order).

Regarding the FW updater bootable images, they have the following structure:
  • bootable (ISOLINUX / MEMDISK) CD ISO image ("*.iso"):
    • bootable (FreeDOS) FDD (2.88 MiB) image ("boot/isolinux/boot2880.img"):
      • fwa.img (FW image);
      • dosmcli.exe (FW updater utility);
      • hdpmi32.exe (DPMI extender driver needed by FW update utility to operate);
      • autoexec.bat (containing the commands executed at the start of the DOS environment, as usual);
      • ... misc. other non-interesting files (e. g., FreeDOS system files);
    • ... misc. other non-interesting files (e. g., ISOLINUX boot files).
* Curious findings about the SSD FW updaters (as of the "070H" version): Micron & Crucial packages contain the same "generic" FW image, but not the same FW updater utility version; meanwhile, the same utility versions are shared by Crucial & Lenovo "customized" versions.

What to do (somewhat simplified) for decustomizatiom / unbranding FW upgrade (if you're still interested):
  1. Please prepare a safe environment for the dangerous activity:
    1. please make backups first;
    2. please shut down the system and turn off the power;
    3. check the earthing;
    4. check the UPS;
    5. please disconnect any other SSDs (especially produced by Micron Technology) from the x86 PC used for experiments before playing with the target device (to prevent collateral damage);
    6. please connect the target device to one of the working SATA ports of your system (please avoid the use of complicated interconnections like hubs, switches, concentrators and adapters, e. g., USB ones);
    7. etc.
  2. (Downgrade the SSD FW to the suitable old generic version, if needed).
  3. Upgrade the SSD FW to the freshest generic version.
  4. Reset (reboot) the system.
  5. PROFIT!
Tips (even more):
  1. You can use free tools (for example, your favorite GNU / Linux distribution) to extract anything from CD / FDD image, or even modify them for your personal needs.
  2. No need to waste writable CDs: you can use the bootable FDD image(s) to create a bootable USB flash drive for SSD FW flashing.
  3. The latest known most generic FW version for C400 SSDs is "070H" from Micron (look for "C400 Rev. 070H Bootable Media Firmware Update (zip)" [1.1]; the archive name should be "c400_rev070H_bootable_media_instructions.zip"), which dates back to year 2013.
  4. A one known suitable old somewhat generic FW update version is the one for Crucial SSD [1.2] m4 series, revision "0002" (search for the following archive name: "m4_0001to0002.zip").
  5. A firmware upload (upgrade, downgrade) can be carried out forcibly if needed; please refer to the "--force" option in the help of the FW update utility (please note not every utility version supports that).
  6. Sometimes the SSD somehow doesn't resume back to normal functioning after the FW flashing operations (and simply resetting the device together with the computer after each such operation doesn't help). Maybe it's better to power it off completely (with disconnecting it from all the cables)... or maybe sometimes it needs a high / low format / full erase etc.??? (Haven't tested thoroughly, as I've got only one such unit). And don't forget about the SMART.
  7. Maybe you can just upload a new FW right away (no downgrades) with the old utility (from "0002" / Crucial)? (Haven't checked though, feel free to test).
  8. Who knows, maybe there's some fresh FW updater with uncut "force update" feature freely accessible too.
References & other external links:
  1. Firmware downloads:
    1. Micron - SSD Firmware (official shortcut link): Software - Solid State Drives - Document Search - Micron Technology [needs registration to download]
    2. Crucial SSD Firmware Updates
    3. Micron Solid State Drive (SSD) Firmware Update - HP Support Center
    4. Firmware update for 2.5" Micron C400 series Solid State Drives to fix Bluescreens and system hangs - Lenovo
  2. Datasheets & documentation:
    1. Data Sheet - Solid State Drives - Document Search - Micron Technology
    2. Technical Note - Solid State Drives - Document Search - Micron Technology
    3. Full SSD Part Catalog - Micron Technology
  3. Thanks for suggesting a suitable firmware update package version:
    1. http://www.chiphell.com/thread-300591-1-1.html
    2. http://bbs.pceva.com.cn/thread-28908-1-1.html
  4. Thanks for asking questions:
    1. lenovo - OEM SSD w/ Thinkpad T430 - with only 1 SMART attribute, how should I tell wear? - Super User
    2. T430 SSD SMART attributes not showing - Lenovo Community
    3. Crucial C300 vs. Micron C300 (HP OEM) - Crucial Community
    4. M4 / Micron C400 128 GB detects in BIOS and as a d... - Crucial Community
  5. Thanks for some more analysis:
    1. SSD Crucial c400 firmware raw format - HDDGURU forums
    2. Analysis of Micron RealSSD C400 SED SSD Firmware Update - The HDD Oracle

APPENDIX: some sample text output (from different versions of FW updaters in a DOS session) follows here.
  • "0002" / Crucial:
    A:\>type autoexec.bat
    @echo off 
    SET dosdir=A:\
    HDPMI32.EXE -R
    MODE CO80,50
    dosmcli.exe --bus ALL -f fwa.img --ssd-only --segmented 10
    ECHO Finished.
    A:\>dosmcli --firmware fwa.img
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    $Rev: 5450 $
    May  2 2011  17:30:25
    A:\>dosmcli --version
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    SSD MicronCLI Version: 1.3
    Build: 303
    SSD Micron IO Library Version: 00.01.02
    Build: 302
    A:\>dosmcli --help
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    --version    display the version of Firmware Updater.
    --help    display this help text.
     -s <x>
    --statistics <x>    display the specified drive SMART statistics.
    --driveinfo    display all detected drives' information.
     -f <path/to/file>
    --firmware <path/to/file>    display firmware version.
     -n <x>
    --nand <x>    display the nand configuration of selected Micron ssd.
     -u <x>
    --update <x>    update firmware.  To be used with [-f|--firmware].
                       Example: dosmcli.exe -u 0 -f "C:\64G_SLC_1069.bin"
                    This updates firmware to 64G_SLC_1069.bin on SSD 0.
    --force    disables the DM_Verify_Check function so firmware will accept any
               update that would otherwise be rejected.  This command has no effect
               on firmware prior to revision 3796.
    --suppress    minimal output to stdout.
    --svnrev <x>   display the minor version of the drive's firmware.
     -r <x>
    --reboot <x>   reboot the drive.
     -l <x>
    --low-format <x>    perform a low-level format of the specified drive.
     -L <x>
    --high-format <x>    perform a high-format of all data on the drive.
    --secure-erase <x>   perform an ATA Secure Erase on the drive.
    --erase-mode <normal | enhanced>
                         chooses the kind of ATA Secure Erase to perform.
    --compare-user <password>
                         gives the USER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-master].
    --compare-master <password>
                         gives the MASTER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-user].
     -a <x>
    --erase-all-flash <x>   erases the entire contents of the flash, including
                            the current firmware.
     -w <x>
    --writeamp <x>    calculate write amplification for the drive.
     -W <x>
    --writeamphistory <x>    calculate the historical write amplification for the
     -R <x>
    --smartread <x>  display all returned SMART statistics, including those that
                     are vendor unique.
    --segmented <#>  the size of a segment (for 92h mode 3 downloads), in number
                     of blocks, defined as a hex number.
                        Example:  --segmented 7f
                     The default is 1.
    --notSegmented   used to specify ATA command 92h mode 7 download.
    --verbose        output more information to stdout.  If both --verbose and
                     --suppress are specified on the command line, --suppress wins.
     -b [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
    --bus [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
                     specifies which bus to look for devices on.  Defaults to ATA.
    --ssd-only       to be used with either [-d] or with [-u and -f].  In case of
                     [-d], it causes the option to only show SSDs.  In the case of
                     [-u and -f], it causes the option to update firmware to all
                     compatible SSDs in the system.
    --yes            answers 'yes' to all confirmation questions.
    --no             reciprical of 'yes'.  Doesn't do anything.  Confirmation questions
                     will be displayed to the user.
    -p <string>
    --product <string>    indicate the expected product family of Micron drive to use
                          for firmware update.
    --update-tcg-tables <x>
               To be used in conjuction with [-f].  Argument is the drive to update.
               To be used in conjunction with [--ssd-only] when updating drives with
               both bootloader and firmware code.
              Will print the number of entries in each log, if the GPL exists.
    --get-log <x>
              Indicates the device to retrieve a log from.
              Use with [--log-number].
    --log-number <hexLogNumber>
              Specifies the GPL/SL log number to retrieve.
              This value is given in hexidecimal.
              Use with [--get-log <x>].
    --set-password <x>
              Indicates which device to set a password on.
              Use with [--password <password>].
  • "070H" / Micron:
    A:\>type autoexec.bat
    @echo off 
    SET dosdir=A:\
    HDPMI32.EXE -R
    MODE CO80,50
    dosmcli.exe --bus ALL -U fwa.img --segmented 10 -p C400:00:070H  
    ECHO Finished.
    A:\>dosmcli --firmware fwa.img
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    $Rev: 10541 $
    Feb 26 2013  14:50:24
    A:\>dosmcli --version
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    SSD MicronCLI Version: 1.4.20130321.155301
    SSD Micron IO Library Version: 1.5.20130321.155226
    A:\>dosmcli --help
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    --version   Display the version of Firmware Updater.
    --help      Display this help text.
    --driveinfo       Display all detected drives information.
     -D <x>
    --deviceId <x>    Specify device id for commands that need it.
     -f <directory/fileName>
    --firmware <directory/fileName> Specifies the firmware file. When used with the [-u],
           [--ssd-only] or [--serial-number], the firmware will be sent to the drive.
           When used without one of those options, displays information about the firmware
           version of the file. Use with [-p] to specify a product family. Use with [--bridge]
           when specifying a SATL bridge firmware file.
     -u <x>       Update firmware.  To be used with [-f|--firmware].
    --update <x>  Example: dosmcli.exe -u 0 -f "C:\64G_SLC_1069.bin"
                           Updates firmware to 64G_SLC_1069.bin on SSD 0.
                  When updating to a different block size, NAND type or customer ID,
                  the --force (-F) or --forceCustomer (-C) flags must be used.
     -U <directory/fileName>
    --update-by-product-customer <directory/fileName>
          Update firmware for product and customer specified in -p switch.
     -p <product:customerId:FirmwareRevision>
    --product <product:customerId:FirmwareRevision>   (ie. C400:00:8435)
          Specify a product family, customerId and the firmware revision 
          that will result from the update. Devices that have firmware at
          the specified revision will be skipped.
          Specify NO for customerId or NONE for firmware revision to bypass those checks.
    --suppress     Minimal output to stdout.
    --secure-erase  Perform an ATA Secure Erase on the drive. Requires use
                    of the --erase-mode flag and either the --compare-user or
                    the --compare-master flags. Must use [-D] to specify
                    the device index or [--serial-number] to specify the
                    device serial number.
    --erase-mode <normal | enhanced>
                         Chooses the kind of ATA Secure Erase to perform.
                         Used in conjunction with the --secure-erase flag.
    --compare-user <password>
                         Gives the USER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-master].
                         Used in conjunction with the --secure-erase flag.
                         If the user password hasn't been set, password can
                         be any arbitrary string.
    --compare-master <password>
                         Gives the MASTER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-user].
                         Used in conjunction with the --secure-erase flag.
                         If the master password hasn't been set, password can
                         be any arbitrary string.
     -R <x>
    --smartread <x>  Display all returned SMART statistics, including those that
                     are vendor unique.
    --segmented <#>  The size of a segment (for ATA download command 92h, mode 3 
                     when updating device firmware or SCSI Write Buffer command 3Bh, 
                     mode 7 when updating SATL bridge firmware), in number 
                     of blocks, defined as a hex number.
                        Example:  --segmented 7f
                     The default is 1.
    --notSegmented   Used to specify ATA download command 92h, mode 7 
                     when updating device firmware or SCSI Write Buffer command 3Bh, 
                     mode 3 when updating SATL bridge firmware.
    --verbose    Output more information to stdout.  If both --verbose and
                 --suppress are specified on the command line, --suppress wins.
     -b   [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
    --bus [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
                 Specifies which bus to look for devices on.  Defaults to ALL
                 on Windows and DOS and SCSI on Linux.
    --ssd-only   To be used with either [-d] or with [-f].  [-d] will only
                 show compatible SSDs and [-f] will update the firmware to all
                 compatible SSDs in the system. Should not be used with [-u].
    --yes    Answers 'yes' to all confirmation questions.
    --no     Reciprical of 'yes'.  Doesn't do anything.  Confirmation questions
             will be displayed to the user.
     -t <directory/fileName>
    --tcg-table-update <directory/fileName  |  None>
          The file specified is the TCG table data to download to the drive.
          If "None" is given for the file name this is a TCG drive firmware
          update but the TCG tables are not being updated with the firmware.
          To be used in conjuction with [-D] to specify deviceId unless using
          the -U option where no specific deviceId is needed.
    -O <directory/fileName>
    --output-to-file <directory/fileName>
              For some commands, the output will redirected to file.
              Currently supported for the following commands:
    --delayed  Activates a DOWNLOAD AND ACTIVATE LATER mode for 92h.
               This is not part of the ATA specification.
               A given product must support this capability, as indicated
               by IDENTIFY W159[0] being set to one.
    --bridge   Sends the firmware data to the SATL bridge. Only SAS devices (e.g. P410)
               containing a SATL bridge chip will support this option.
               If this flag and the [--drive] flag are omitted, the firmware
               data will be sent to the bridge if the firmware file ends with
               the .dlf extension.
    --drive    Updates firmware on the drive as opposed to the SAS bridge
               (see the [--bridge] option). If this flag and the [--bridge] flag
               are omitted, the firmware data will be sent to the drive
               unless the firmware file ends with the .dlf extension,
               in which case it will be sent to the bridge.
                     Will output a hex dump of the drives IDENTIFY data.
                     Must use [-D] to specify the device index.
                     Ex. --identify
    --serial-number <deviceSerialNumber>
                     Used when updating firmware or performing a secure erase to
                     identify the drive to update. When updating, can only be used with
                     the [-f] option. Will be ignored if used with either the [-u]
                     or [-D] options.
    --bl <bootloader firmware file>
                     Used to update bootloader firmware. Must be used with either the
                     [-u] or [--serial-number] options to specify a particular drive or
                     with the [--ssd-only] or [-p] options to update multiple drives.
  • "070H" / Crucial:
    A:\>type autoexec.bat
    @echo off 
    SET dosdir=A:\
    HDPMI32.EXE -R
    MODE CO80,50
    dosmcli.exe --bus ALL -U fwa.img --segmented 10 -p c400:00:070H  
    ECHO Finished.
    A:\>dosmcli --version
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    SSD MicronCLI Version: 1.3
    Build: 664
    SSD Micron IO Library Version: 00.01.04
    Build: 671
    A:\>dosmcli --help
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    --version   Display the version of Firmware Updater.
    --help      Display this help text.
    --driveinfo       Display all detected drives information.
     -f <directory/fileName>
    --firmware <directory/fileName>   Display firmware version.
     -u <x>       Update firmware.  To be used with [-f|--firmware].
    --update <x>  Example: dosmcli.exe -u 0 -f "C:\64G_SLC_1069.bin"
                           Updates firmware to 64G_SLC_1069.bin on SSD 0.
     -U <directory/fileName>
    --update-by-product-customer <directory/fileName>
          Update firmware for product and customer specified in -p switch.
     -p <product:customerId:FirmwareRevision>
    --product <product:customerId:FirmwareRevision>   (ie. C400:00:8435)
          Specify a product family, customerId and firmware revision.
          Specify "NO" for NONE, when customerId or firmware revision is not used.
    --suppress     Minimal output to stdout.
    --secure-erase <x>   Perform an ATA Secure Erase on the drive.
    --erase-mode <normal | enhanced>
                         Chooses the kind of ATA Secure Erase to perform.
    --compare-user <password>
                         Gives the USER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-master].
    --compare-master <password>
                         Gives the MASTER password for the drive.
                         Mutually exclusive with [--compare-user].
     -R <x>
    --smartread <x>  Display all returned SMART statistics, including those that
                     are vendor unique.
    --segmented <#>  The size of a segment (for 92h mode 3 downloads), in number
                     of blocks, defined as a hex number.
                        Example:  --segmented 7f
                     The default is 1.
    --notSegmented   Used to specify ATA command 92h mode 7 download.
    --verbose        Output more information to stdout.  If both --verbose and
                     --suppress are specified on the command line, --suppress wins.
     -b [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
    --bus [ATA | SCSI | ALL]
                     Specifies which bus to look for devices on.  Defaults to ATA.
    --ssd-only   To be used with either [-d] or with [-u and -f].  [-d] will only
                 show SSDs and [-u and -f] will update the firmware to all
                     compatible SSDs in the system.
    --yes            Answers 'yes' to all confirmation questions.
    --no             Reciprical of 'yes'.  Doesn't do anything.  Confirmation questions
                     will be displayed to the user.
     -t <directory/fileName>
    --tcg-table-update <directory/fileName  |  None>
               The file specified is the TCG table data to download to the drive.
               If "None" is given for the file name this is a TCG drive firmware
               update but the TCG tables are not being updated with the firmware.
               To be used in conjuction with [-D] to specify deviceId unless using
               the -U option where no specific deviceId is needed.
    --bl  To be used in conjunction with [--ssd-only] when updating drives with
               both bootloader and firmware code.
    -O <directory/fileName>
    --output-to-file <directory/fileName>
              For some commands, the output will redirected to file.
    --delayed  Activates a DOWNLOAD AND ACTIVATE LATER mode for 92h.
              This is not part of the ATA specification.
              A given product must support this capability, as indicated
              by IDENTIFY W159[0] being set to one.
  • "070H" / Lenovo:
    A:\>type autoexec.bat
    @echo off 
    SET dosdir=A:\
    HDPMI32.EXE -R
    MODE CO80,50
    dosmcli.exe --bus ALL -U fwa.img --segmented 10 -p c400:03:070H  
    ECHO Finished.
    A:\>dosmcli --firmware fwa.img
    (c) 2009,2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    This copyright notice may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.
    $Rev: 10541 $
    Feb 26 2013  14:42:03
Last updated: 2017-02-09


  1. Is there any way to backup the firmware of an OEM branded Micron SSD?

    1. Until there's some public info on a specific SSD schematics (or maybe some more advanced service utilities), the best way is to try downloading the appropriate firmware (update) version from the OEM vendor's website.

  2. What about 0G09 firmware (Fujitsu)?

    1. All I can tell for sure, is that "0G09" looks older than "070H"; nothing else is guaranteed.

      But you can try to check the generic "070H" update from Micron, if you like.

  3. Absolutely fascinating guide on upgrading the Micron C400 SSD firmware! It's clear you've put a lot of effort into detailing the process, especially for those of us keen on maintaining our hardware. Your insights on the technical differences and the step-by-step process are incredibly helpful. By the way, looking to incorporate a Micron 7450 Max MTFDKCC3T2TFS-1BC1ZABYYR into my setup soon, hoping it's as reliable as the C400 series has been!
